Wednesday 1 October 2008

Qype: Shoreditch House in London

London - Pubs & Bars - Bars - Cocktail Bars

I was sure I'd reviewed Shoreditch House having been here quite a few times - but it appears not. Anyway - very very good Shoreditch House it has to be said. Beats Soho House and makes the Hospital look frankly ragged. The only members club I like more is Milk & Honey, but that might be just familiarity.

The highlight is definitely the swimming pool at the roof area - great stuff, more Miami than London in terms of styling, but with a little bit of an NYC feel thrown in as you look out across the city. The whole place has a great atmosphere to it - brilliant put together throughout with all the different floors having their own unique feeling. Very occasionally it can feel a little bit overly 'media' but nothing too annoying/distracting.

Service is excellent whether its food or drinks you are after and of course the food and drink is first class. If you are going to get stuck into the cocktails - may I heartily recommend an espresso martini, a fabulous drink made to perfection here.

While not being cheap by any stretch the food and drink is definitely good value.

If you are going to join a club - join this one. Yes yes it's in Shoreditch and not the centre of town, but if you're stumping up to join, I'm sure you can afford the cab ride over there!
Check out my review of Shoreditch House - I am scottishwolf - on Qype

1 comment:

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Hi friend, (or Mr. Scottish Wolf!)
I just read your review of the OWL book shop. I'm too far away to visit but it seems like the perfect place to establish buyer loyalty. About this club, Shoreditch House, I need some further clarification. I'm not familiar with the whole club going scene. In the US, we would go to health clubs to exercise, swim or sip something healthy-or take a yoga or aerobics class. What do people do at these clubs. Read? Meet people? As far as I know there are no social clubs in Puerto Rico...I mean the kind that have a fixed location. When I watched the movie, "Enchanted April", I noticed that the two ladies met in a "ladies club", which I thought was a kind of quaint cultural. (I wanted to join!) The women went there to read daily newspapers in comfort. Oh, I gave a tour of El Viejo San Juan in my blog...if you like the Caribbean, you might be interested.
I appreciate all of the effort you bring to your reviews and hope you can drop me a note about British Clubs!